3 Strategies to Experience Joy This Holiday Season

What's meant to be the most wonderful time of the year can easily become the most stressful time of the year. For moms, our already overwhelming to-do list grows even longer.

We put so much energy into making the holidays special for our children, but we often forget to slow down long enough to enjoy the experiences with them. It's no wonder we reflect on the holidays when they are over, and wonder if it was all worth it.

When life gets busy, self-care can be the first thing to fall to the bottom of the to-do list (assuming it was on there to begin with).

This holiday season, be intentional about taking care of your own wellbeing so you can experience the joy and wonder you work so hard to create for everyone else.

Here are 3 strategies to care for yourself:

#1. Give yourself permission to do less. There is no award for the busiest mom. The only thing you’ll get from over-committing and over-scheduling yourself this holiday is exhaustion and resentment. Two simple ways to do less are saying no and (dare I say it) asking for help.

  • Saying No: Instead of saying yes to all the things, be thoughtful about what matters most to you and what you’re willing to add to your plate. Consider the value vs cost of committing to one more task.

  • Asking for Help: Instead of drowning in responsibility, take a look at your to-do list and identify the tasks that others can help you with. Then, ask them for help. Consider, the tasks can your children help with. What can your husband take off your plate? Determine whether it makes sense to outsource tasks like cooking, house cleaning, or wrapping gifts?

#2. Commit to resting and relaxing. Rest and relaxation don’t come naturally to most moms. Lowering your expectations and committing to getting an ample amount of sleep are two ways you can care for yourself and slow down during the holiday season.

  • Lowering Expectations: The definition of a holiday is “a day set aside on which normal activities, especially business or work, are suspended or reduced.” That means it’s okay to let go of your usual (self-imposed) expectations. Instead, put your feet up, let the dishes sit in the sink, order takeout, and/or take a mid-day nap.

  • Getting Sleep: “A lot of happiness comes from sleep.” I don’t remember where I heard this phrase but there’s so much truth in it! You are not at your best when you are tired and it’s hard to enjoy special moments when you’re exhausted and irritated. With the goal of making the holidays more enjoyable for everyone, commit to going to bed on time and getting plenty of rest.

You’ve worked hard and sacrificed all year long. Use this time to rest and recharge. You deserve it!

#3. Focus on connecting and making memories. Connection and making memories might not be the first things that come to mind when you think of self-care, but consider how you feel after a snuggle session with your child or dinner with your best friend. On the other hand, consider how you feel after a big event where you’re so busy making everything perfect that you forget to stop and enjoy the event.

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, your family, and your friends this holiday season is your presence. Being present allows you to fully engage in the moment and turn those moments into memories.

Here’s the thing, being fully present requires you to quiet all distractions. Two things that might commonly distract you are your thoughts and your phone.

  • Quiet Your Thoughts: You have the ability to quiet the noise in your head. The first step is recognizing when your thoughts wander. The second step is bringing your attention back to the present moment by using a simple grounding technique. Here’s one you can do anytime, anywhere: Bring your attention to your breathing for 1-2 minutes. Focus only on your breath for those 2 minutes then shift your attention back to the people you are with and the situation you are in.

  • Put Down Your Phone: Many people use their phones to capture photographs during the holidays. But these all-in-one devices can easily steal our attention with notifications and nudges to check email, social media, or the latest headlines. Remove the temptation by leaving your phone in the other room during family events or putting it on airplane mode. Unlike notifications and the news, memories with your children aren’t something you can miss and access later.

✨ This holiday season, give yourself permission to do less, rest, and relax. Commit to being more present with your family and friends. Create memories and embrace the wonder of the most wonderful time of the year.


Hi! I’m Crystalynn, a mom of two and a certified coach. I help moms on the brink of burnout to manage their stress, regain balance in their lives, and develop the skills and strategies they need to thrive as parents and individuals. As a coach for Moms, I love helping moms cultivate mindfulness and create a nurturing environment where they can make memories with their children. If you want to learn more about how I support my clients with private coaching, schedule a free session. For more tips on handling stress, follow me on Instagram.