New Mom Advice

The moment you share the news that you are pregnant you get advice. This advice comes from everywhere. You get unsolicited advice on which hospital you should deliver at, whether you should get an epidural, what type of diapers to use, whether you should breastfeed, whether you should have the baby sleep in your room or in their own room, how long you should breastfeed, and how to get your child to sleep through the night. And that's just the first few weeks!

Motherhood isn’t the only area of our lives where people are quick to give their opinion but when you are a new mom you are already facing so much change and uncertainty. It is easy to get overwhelmed by the advice and begin questioning yourself. Remember these 3 things:

  1. Make sure your voice is louder than the voices around you. No one knows you better than you do. You get to decide what's best for you and your baby because you are the EXPERT on YOUR LIFE.

  2. The only opinion that really matters is yours. You are the one who has to live with your decisions. Be careful how much weight you give to the opinions of others.

  3. Everyone experiences motherhood differently. Your mom, your sister, and your friends - they mean well. They have good intentions and want to share their perspective based on their experiences. Keep in mind that just because your friend struggled with breastfeeding doesn’t mean you will. Just because your mom didn’t experience post partum depression, doesn’t mean you won’t.

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Parenting is a challenging and beautiful growth experience. The best advice to navigate motherhood is: Trust Yourself. Trust your intuition and listen to your heart.

Hi! I’m Crystalynn, a mom of two and a certified coach. I help moms on the brink of burnout to manage their stress, regain balance in their lives, and develop the skills and strategies they need to thrive as parents and individuals. If you need help hearing your own voice, let’s talk! With coaching, my clients are given an opportunity to explore tools and strategies that help them communicate their needs, increase their self-confidence, and build deeper connections with others. For more tips on handling stress, follow me on Instagram.